You step into the room and place a hand on the man’s back to calm him. You ask him to explain what is happening so you can help.

The man doesn’t seem capable of answering your questions, you can feel his body begin to shiver aggressively. The man let’s out a spine chilling noise, as though his inside were silently bursting out of his throat. You remove your hand and recoil. The man crawls around, moaning loudly, swinging his arms around to grab you, as he looks in your direction, you can see blood leaking from his eyes, which have filled entirely white in color. His face looks nightmarish, he jerk’s forward, struggling to push himself back onto his knees, before he begins to vomit violently onto the floor, sickening dark blood, teeth and small bits of flesh pour out of his mouth, spraying forcefully, and painfully outward. The blood moves in an unusual way as it pools, it’s takes you a second before you notice what appear to be maggots, worms, and even spiders struggling to crawl and squirm through the thick gory ooze. It sounds as though the man is trying to speak, but is interrupted repeatedly by a horrible cough, he spasms before collapsing into a lifeless heap…though you can notice movement from beneath the skin on his hands.